Wednesday, July 21, 2004

To my friends and family...without you, I would be lost.

Update: Since that's what a blog is, as mom says, you want me to check out your what?

I'm in NYC freelancing for JWT. Meeting some really great creatives. Some jaded, bitter, but still hopeful. I like that. So far, I've been working on print and TV for DeBeers, TV for Staples and TV for Schick Razors. Have a I taken a job, and why not? Still waiting, testing things out, trying to figure out if this place has potential.

So far, it is what anyone would expect of a massive ad agency. Lots of focus testing, client is driven by fear...we've spent millions of dollars to produce this...will it sell, will I lose my job, did anyone just see me pick my nose?

It is many creatives (10-12) working on one 30 second TV spot. The American way, it's all about waste.

It is a sea of talent, that goes unnoticed. It is a cubicle the size of a desk with bad migraine lighting and frigid temp. Without my Itunes I would be able to produce nothing. THANK god for you, Steve Jobs.

In the end, the experience in the last couple of weeks can't be compared to anything else. It's eye opening. There is no Land of Canaan. There is life. There is work. And sometimes both are good at the same time. But, both times, not.

In the end, the people here are great. Talented, nice, interesting, fun...etc. At the end of the day lately, that's what matters. For now...

Check here for more updates...soon...

Miss you all...except those of you I have gotten to see recently. Don't miss you. But will in the future.

Love, Liz

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