Monday, December 19, 2005

December 2005. Joel accepts JC into his life. A star is born.

A trip back to Portland made us wonder all weekend long, "Why did we leave?" The most amazing people we will ever know all in the same city. Thanks for the snow on the mountain and the skiing, yes Geoff. Thanks for sleepovers in fancy houses, all of you in your fancy houses. Thanks for Jambalaya, A&T. Thanks for parties with Nativity scenes and dinners with samosas. Thanks for just being the Portland folk you are. Never change. And take it from us, NEVER LEAVE.
We miss you. Happy all that stuff...
The King Blooms. Or should it be...The Bloom Kings.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Haven't written in a while.

New things. Hmmm.

-Engaged? Yes. That. Block Island, Rhode Island. So shocked. Fun.

-Actually reading Harry Potter, instead of just paying 10 bucks for the film.

-Going to Portland tomorrow to see old friends. Ah. Home.

-Went to Atlanta for Thanksgiving. V. fun catching up with family and friends.

-Holidays coming. Ready, early. That never happens.

-Cutest picture ever. I am a proud Aunt.